There are so many tips and tricks to moving house that you probably think that you have heard them all before. However, there are some you might not have come across before, or may have missed as they were hidden away in much larger lists that had your attention flagging after just a couple of minutes. So, here is a much shorter distilled checklist that you could get started with right away.
#1 Get a storage container
This is first on the list for a very important reason. Finding space to hold all of your items while you are planning on what to sell and what to keep is stressful, and can cause some easily avoidable friction with other family members. Even finding space to put the boxes that you have already packed can be another source of annoyance. Getting a storage container, like the ones that are available from suppliers like can be a great way to combat this problem, and can make you feel like you have a much more manageable task ahead without needing to borrow anyone’s spare room.
#2 Stage your property
You have probably heard all about staging, seen what was involved, and wondered if it was ever worth it. However, what you might not know is that the act of staging a home isn’t just to make it look pretty and maximize space, but it is also a way to depersonalize your home so that those looking around your house can envision themselves there so much more easily. It is really effective too, with staged homes spending a staggering 73% less time on the market. It can also increase the price your house finally sells for, so you should be looking into staging services pronto.
#3 Use a real estate agent
This couldn’t be stressed enough. You need to make sure that you are investing in a real estate agency to help you sell your home. You might think that it is more convenient to sell on your own (especially after all of the articles you have read), but here’s the secret: it isn’t.
If you want to know why – here are just some of the things a real estate agent can help you out with:
- Marketing your property where people will see it,
- Give you realistic prices,
- Give you tips on how you can increase prices,
- Helps you with paperwork,
- Knows when the best time to sell a property is.
This info is invaluable to you as a seller, especially if it is your first time, and it takes so much stress out of this part of selling your home.
#4 Organize
Even though it’s last on the list this one can’t be stressed enough. A great way to reduce tension for any house move is to get organized early. Start now and make sure that you have services that you want on your speed dial, make sure you have a good idea of what you’ll be eating on your first week of unpacking, figure out a budget, and stick to it to the best of your ability. This is vital, so you should never overlook the benefits of organizing, especially a huge event in your life like moving house.