Teen boys often desire their own space designed in a way that is functional and that expresses what they are interested in at the time, such as video games or sports. There are a few ideas that you can discuss when you get a free home renovation quote from a remodeling company. The company can give you ideas on the kinds of furniture to add and if there are any additions that you can make in the room to give more storage space and more function at the same time.
For the sports teen who either enjoys watching or playing, consider transforming the room into an area that displays a variety of sports accessories. If the teen plays any kind of sport in school, make an area where ribbons and trophys can be displayed. This could be an area over the bed or above a desk. You could also display some of the equipment that is used in each sport on the wall so that it has a fun look instead of one that is simply decorated with posters and accessories. Balls could be encased in a plastic box and displayed on a shelf so that they can easily be seen when entering the room.
The music lover might enjoy a design on the wall of a favorite instrument or posters of a favorite singer or band. Add bedding that refers to music and colors that one might find at a concert. An idea is to add a disco light to give a bit of color to the room, making it feel like the teen is at a concert instead of in an ordinary bedroom. An end table with a light inside will look like a glowing block and have enough space for headphones, pictures and an alarm clock.
Sometimes, boys don’t like one specific thing, such as music or sports. You could hang lights above the bed, a few different pictures on the walls and bedding that is in a neutral color so that they room can easily be changed in the future to reflect the personality of the teen as he gets older.