For many families, the idea of bringing home a little puppy is an exciting prospect. Puppies are undeniably adorable and incredibly fun to have around. There is also something to be said for raising your dog from a young age and establishing its place in the family early on in life. That being said, it …
Common Hazards at Home That Can Harm Your Pet
As a pet owner, you only want the best for your little animal companion. It is also your responsibility to make sure that they are safe in your care and that you can provide them with everything that they need. While visits to the vet, regular meals, and a cuddle will all help show your …
How To Take The Coolest Photos With Your Cat
Cat Content: Everybody Loves It Very few people will deliberately look away from cat content on social media; whether that content is pictorial or includes moving images. Cats are cute, they’re fun, they’re entertaining, and they’re one of the best methods of getting your mind off the difficulties of life safely. Also, it turns out …
How to Keep Your Cat Healthy and Happy
Having a cat in the home brings companionship, fun, and lots of cuddles (when they are in the mood, of course). To ensure that they have the best possible quality of life, cat owners need to do more than put some food and water down. Every responsible owner knows that their cat needs to visit …
How to Help Your Dog Relax
However much love you show your dog, you may find your pooch displaying signs of anxiety and stress. Unfortunately, they cannot tell you precisely why they are fearful or what you can do to help them. Luckily, there are a few ways to help calm them down. Here are a few top tips that can …
Cold Duck(s) …and other critters
More below freezing days and absolutely frigid nights on my homestead this week. I keep reminding myself that despite the title of “North” in my chosen home of North Carolina, we’re still ‘officially’ considered the south. But if February turns out to be colder than Alaska (which January has been this year), I’m going to …
Poultry Project 5: Duck Eggs… Yum!
Easter’s downy ducklings are now grown, and have begun producing eggs. Beginning three days ago we were finding one or two chicken-sized eggs in the coop when letting the ‘kids’ out in the morning from their secured night quarters. In fact, we amassed a total of 5 eggs over the weekend, began to wonder if …