Introduction: When one asks about renewable energy or alternative energy, most people will speak about solar energy and solar electricity. The sun is an unconventional source of energy and solar energy is also a renewable form of energy. Solar electricity is beneficial at the same time to your home and to the environment. Installing solar …
Five Tips For Choosing the Best Solar Panel
Choosing the best solar panel for your home depends on more than just size and cost but these are often the deciding factors for people when they start thinking about installing a solar panel system for their home. It is important to do your homework before making any choices or contacting specific dealers. Solar panel …
Hurricane Sandy: Solar Plan-Ahead
We all watched in dread fascination as Superstorm Sandy hooked a hard left right where predicted off the coast of northern Virginia to slame full-force into northern New Jersey and New York City just days before Election Day. Its storm surge was every bit as devastating as predicted, and its 1,000-mile-plus wind field wreaked havoc …
Energy: The Good News, The Continuing Struggle
First the good news. The Boston Globs reports this week that Massachusetts’ largest utilities have signed long-term contracts for wind generated energy from six wind farms in Maine and New Hampshire at a mere 8 cents per kilowatt hour. Which is actually cheaper than electricity from coal [10 cents/kwh], nuclear [11 cents/kwh] and solar [14 …
Extra $ on Your Outbuildings
I was reminiscing the other day to my gathered grandchildren about the annual childhood vacation journeys my family used to make from wherever we were living at the time to my paternal grandparents’ home in central Kentucky. Dad let us take turns as navigator in the shotgun seat, getting us from point A to B …