Physical exercise helps you improve your physical fitness, sleep better, manage your weight, boost your energy levels, manage stress, and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety—all of which can contribute to improved quality of life overall. But that’s not all there is to know about the benefits of physical exercise! Here are seven additional ones you might not have known about that can help motivate you to start getting active and reap the rewards even faster!

1) Improves health

Your heart and lungs will work harder. Your blood circulation will improve, and your immune system will respond faster. There’s a reason marathon runners live longer than couch potatoes; it’s not magic, it’s science. Moderate exercise can help you avoid or treat cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity. Every muscle in your body is working to move you forward—more muscle means a faster metabolism. No question about it: Exercise helps keep everything running smoothly like australian online casinos.

2) Increases productivity

We spend a lot of time at work, so it makes sense that boosting our productivity by adding a regular workout routine will reduce our hours spent on tasks each day. A 2008 study in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that exercising for 25 minutes increases productivity and leads to greater efficiency. Exercise also releases chemicals in your brain known as endorphins, which help us feel happier, and improves our outlook on life.

3) Enhances brain function

Exercise improves brain function by making new connections between neurons. This process, called neurogenesis, also increases levels of chemicals that help transmit messages between brain cells. A sharper mind will make for a healthier body. People who exercise have better concentration and memory recall and greater problem-solving ability compared to those who don’t, says Dr.

4) Makes you more confident

One study from Loughborough University found that aerobic exercise made participants feel less self-conscious. This makes sense if you think about it—exercise makes you feel strong and healthy, and when you’re more confident, your body language can also change to come across as more relaxed and self-assured. Confidence increases the chance of success in every work like winning real money online casinos.

5) Lowers risk of depression and anxiety

Studies suggest that regular physical activity may help protect against depression and anxiety. One 2014 study found that adults with depression who exercised at least 3 times a week were less likely to report symptoms of depression than those who did not. Even milder forms of mental distress like stress have been linked to exercise in some studies, although more research is needed in these areas.

6) Boosts mood

People who are stressed out and sleep-deprived tend to be irritable and grumpy. Regular workouts can help with that by releasing endorphins, which increase mood-boosting serotonin levels in your brain. Exercise also gets your body pumped full of feel-good hormones, like adrenaline and dopamine. The result: You’ll feel happier and more relaxed—and have an easier time falling asleep after a tough workout than you would otherwise.

7) Gives your life meaning

Physical activity may be your ticket to finding meaning and purpose in life. In a recent study, researchers found that exercising was linked to a greater sense of purpose in life among elderly adults. Researchers found that people who exercise reported feeling more satisfied with their lives than those who don’t. If you’re looking for more meaning in your life, working out could be one place to start. Exercise can help improve self-esteem and reduce anxiety and depression as well.