Tools, swimming pool toys, cleaning supplies and gardening items are just a few of the things that occupy the average garage. When you keep these and other items organized you’re better able to find what you’re looking for, when you want it. Take a look at three items that can be helpful as you go to organize your garage.
Utility Shelves
A set of utility shelves against one wall can hold a lot of items and clear up some free space in your garage. Utility shelves are great for cleaning supplies such as window cleaner, paint thinner, windshield wiper fluid and WD-40. These can be kept on a high shelf where they are out of the reach of any children you have around the household.
A Tool Chest
You don’t have to be a professional auto mechanic to get some good use out of a tool chest. This item is excellent if you want to organize similar tools and keep them in one place. For instance, you can put all of your screwdrivers in one drawer where you can find the right one for the job. One of the best things about most tool chests is you can roll them around the garage area. So, if you have to repair a motorcycle at one end of the garage, you can roll the tool chest over, so you have access to all your tools as you make the repairs.
A Wall Storage Rack
A storage rack mounted on a wall can house many items. Perhaps you want a wall storage rack for your shovels, brooms and rakes. Or, maybe you want wall storage for a couple of your kid’s bicycles, so they stay off the garage floor all winter. Wall storage is effective for clearing new floor space and keeping your items secure.
Garage workbenches and storage items like these can be very helpful in keeping your garage organized. The more organized it is, the more you will want to spend time tackling your favorite DIY projects!