Inclement weather can make the job of a property manager much more difficult, especially when it involves a large apartment complex. This is because snow and ice are not only a messy inconvenience but also present a safety hazard. Consider a few tips that may help you to take care of your property and its residents throughout the winter.

1. Maintain Your Parking Lots
One of the major areas you will need to address when winter weather arrives is the parking lot. Untreated lots could lead to minor car accidents or dangerous falls. To help with ice, be sure to look into salt spreading Boston MA. The benefit of treating roads with salt is that it can help melt icy areas; using sand adds traction to prevent people from slipping. When you receive a heavy snow, it is important to have the lot cleared. Not doing so may reduce the number of usable parking spots, leading to accessibility issues for residents.

2. Be Mindful of Walkways
In addition to the parking lots, it is important to give due attention to any and all walkways. These include sidewalks, entryways and even shared mailboxes. These areas may need to be salted and shoveled on occasion. Bear in mind that residents come and go at all times of the day, so it is essential to be proactive rather than reactive. Keep an eye on the weather so you can treat walkways before they become hazardous.
3. Don’t Forget About Muddy Boots
Although it does not present as clear of a danger, remember that slushy roads mean muddy shoes. Depending on the design of your apartment complex, additional mopping may be necessary. Rugs can also be a helpful way of both reducing how dirty the floors become and preventing slips and falls. Don’t forget about common areas such as the main office and any other recreational locations.
4. Keep Residents Informed
A final piece of advice is to communicate with residents as much as possible. It is important to share any relevant information, such as when snow plows may arrive and which walkways present a potential hazard. To do this, you may want to post signage in common areas or send out emails to all residents.
Despite the beauty of falling snow, winter weather can sometimes be a major pain. Even so, property managers can take inclement weather in stride with proper preparation. Don’t let this winter get the best of you or the property you manage; be proactive.