If you are moving out of your rental home, you will want to clean everything to the highest standard in order to ensure you get your deposit returned. You will want to convince your landlord that you have kept his apartment in an excellent, and clean condition. Hiring a professional cleaner to clean the house can be an expensive investment and there are several ways to go about doing it yourself without having to put yourself out of pocket. This article explains how to professionally clean your rental home before moving out.
You will want to make sure you take the time and effort to clean the inside, and outside of the windows throughout the house. Removing dust from the window sills and scrubbing the edges with an abrasive cloth, and cleaning solution can make a huge difference. You will be surprised at how bright and clean the house looks after the windows have been cleaned.
Be sure to leave your kitchen as clean as possible. This means making sure all appliances are left polished and you take the time to clean the insides of cupboards, doors, and the shelves.
Use an anti-lime scale cleaning product to clean and polish the taps and shower. Scrub the toilet and make sure there are no stains or dirty marks left there. Make sure the mirror is left clean and polish any tiles that are left on display.
Hardwood Floors
For hard surfaces in the house be sure to vacuum and mop them all with a disinfectant solution. A sweet smelling floor cleaner will help to leave a professional impression on the overall cleanliness of the house. If you are having trouble with getting any tough stains out you can remove stains by getting on your hands and knees and scrubbing with a strong solution.
When it’s time to clean your carpets you will want to consider renting a carpet cleaner. This can be cheaper than hiring a professional and really makes a huge difference. You may want to rent a steam carpet cleanerfrom a company like brookingsrent-all.com to do it yourself. When hiring, you will want to consult the company on which cleaning products are best for your specific carpet type.
You won’t believe how many small stains you can find on your walls such as grease, sweat marks and pencil stains. These can easily be removed with a little bit of washing up liquid and a soft brush or sponge. Don’t use anything too abrasive or you may risk chipping or damaging the paint work.
It may seem like a lot of work to put into a property which you intend to leave very shortly especially when your new home may need more of your attention. However taking the time to do the cleaning yourself can really help to leave your landlord with a solid impression of how well the house has been kept, and help you get your security deposit back.