A number of Swedish municipalities are arguably leading the world in environmentally-friendly heating. Heat and power production in such cities is combined with district heating systems to provide affordable, ecologically-sound heat for citizens. District heating systems tend to use heat from renewable energy sources, which is then piped through the city for homes and other …
Desperate for Fossil Fuels: King Coal
Now Destroying Mountains Once Merely Raped I spent a lot of time in Eastern Kentucky growing up, it’s where my paternal grandparents, Aunt and cousins lived and where we spent vacations no matter where else in the country (or elsewhere) we were living at the time (Navy brat). I’ve no more relatives there, the last …
Earthlodge: The Original Sod Home
I read an interesting article on the “earthlodges” of Native Americans in the Dakotas the other day. I’d learned early in my life when the family moved from New York to “Indian Territory” – Oklahoma – that not all Native Americans lived in those portable teepee tents so prevalent on the plains. I knew the …
Choosing the Right Heater for your Home
Since winter is fast approaching, a number of companies are set to distribute their respective range of heaters in various designs and types. Due to the abundance of products and their diverse nature, it may be a daunting task to choose the right home heater based on your lifestyle. There are several factors to consider, …
Autumn Weatherproofing Tip
A FaceBook friend offered up an interesting and easy way to insulate windows, without having to replace them altogether with a company like Otto’s Exterior, as the weather gets colder, that should work very well for everyone whose homestead living quarters isn’t fully outfitted with double-paned windows. I’ve been doing the way too labor and …
Hurricane Sandy: Solar Plan-Ahead
We all watched in dread fascination as Superstorm Sandy hooked a hard left right where predicted off the coast of northern Virginia to slame full-force into northern New Jersey and New York City just days before Election Day. Its storm surge was every bit as devastating as predicted, and its 1,000-mile-plus wind field wreaked havoc …
Energy: The Good News, The Continuing Struggle
First the good news. The Boston Globs reports this week that Massachusetts’ largest utilities have signed long-term contracts for wind generated energy from six wind farms in Maine and New Hampshire at a mere 8 cents per kilowatt hour. Which is actually cheaper than electricity from coal [10 cents/kwh], nuclear [11 cents/kwh] and solar [14 …
The Mountains Cry: A Vibrant Voice Passes On
This blog has covered many environmental issues, perhaps the one dearest to the heart has been the astounding destruction wrought by King Coal on the beautiful, peaceful, ancient mountains of southern Appalachia in the name of profit: Mountaintop Removal. The [West Virginia] State Journal reports that long-time environmental activist and tireless mountainkeeper Larry Gibson died …
EPA Halts MTR Permits for Review
The ‘Breaking News’ headline at the anti-mountaintop removal website I Love Mountains brings tears to the grateful eyes of we lovers of these ancient, beautiful and abundant mountains… Hope renewed across the Appalachian coalfields – Obama Administration suspends mountaintop removal permits for further review… Obama’s new EPA administrator Lisa Jackson announced this past Tuesday that …