The Power Behind Pressure Cleaning
Many homes can use power washing for several applications. Any homes with vinyl siding, for instance, can easily stand to have pressure cleaning performed on their siding material. It’s a fast, effective, and affordable way to make sure your home’s exterior is looking spotless. Have you noticed and stains or mold growing along your siding? Power washing will take that right off in front of your very eyes. The difference is remarkable. You can actually see the cleaning strip away any dirt, mildew, or even old paint. If that old shed is cracked and peeling, a simple power washing job can transform it into looking good as new. If you don’t like a certain paint color, use pressure cleaning to strip it right off. It also works on concrete, tile, glass, asphalt, and brick. Any solid, flat surface can be cleaned and end up looking as good as the day it was installed.
Power Washing Procedure
The process itself is fairly straightforward. The motor unit is hooked up to a regular garden hose, and then attached to the washer “gun” that sprays the water at a high pressure. Not only does this clean any surface, but the immense pressure will peel the dirt (or top layer of the material) right off. Most units are gas powered for convenience’s sake. The electrical variants tend to be more work, simply because there are more parts than can go wrong. Otherwise it’s just a matter of pointing the high pressure water nozzle at anything dirty for a night and day difference. Decks, patios, even ceramic planters can be taken care of and cleaned with ease. For extra cleaning power, use the soap dispensing function first, then switch to pressure washing. You can even adjust the nozzles for more power. No nozzle will turn the hose into a soap dispenser, forty degree nozzles are great for brushing back dirt. Twenty five degree angled nozzles are great for cleaning off sensitive surfaces. Fifteen degree nozzles will stubborn dirt stains, and lastly zero degree nozzles are the ultimate in cleaning. They will actually peel off caked on gum from an asphalt sidewalk.
Cleaning With Power and Precision
There’s no other method of cleaning that is so powerful right where you want it, when you want it. You can make your driveway, patio, or deck look brand new in a single afternoon. If you don’t like a coat of paint on your property, peel it right off and paint it again when it’s dry. Dirt and stains don’t stand a chance against a pressure cleaner. Have power washing done for your house and feel that peace of mind which comes from having a completely clean home. Nothing cleans more effectively than power washing.
Article written by Sean Mahan, also a writer for homeyou.com, a company that connects homeowners to reliable, affordable and professional contractors for their home improvement projects. Check more on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.