Whether you have decided to seek a promotion or whether you are taking on a role in a different industry completely, there are many factors that you need to consider when starting a new job to make sure that your work can fulfill you and that you have a great time working for the company in question. Then, here is everything that you need to think about when you are starting a new job.
· Stress
Some job positions are more stressful than others, and you need to be prepared for the pressure that the job in question could place on you before you head to the workplace. Many jobs, such as those in healthcare, can cause employees to become burned out quickly, and this can lead to long-term mental health problems if you do not take precautions. For instance, you might need to give yourself time off, learn to separate work and your home life, or get a therapist to talk over the parts of your job that are causing you pain. Although the stress of certain jobs should not put you off chasing the career of your dreams, you must research stress in terms of certain job roles, such as counselor stress, before you make a commitment or take a qualification in the field.
· Making Connections with Colleagues
Even if you have always preferred to work independently, it is important that you canmake connections with your colleagues from the very first day in your workplace. Your colleagues will be the people that you must collaborate with for months and years of your life, and so you must have a good working relationship, even if you are not the best of buddies. Then, you should try to make a connection with them by introducing yourself to them and by paying an interest in them. If you are starting an online job or you have access to a digital communication app beforehand, you might also decide to introduce yourself to them by sending out a company email or through an instant group message.
· Your First Impression
When you are starting a new job, it is important that you can make a good first impression on everyone that works for the company in question, especially your manager. Then, you should make sure that you wear the right clothing and that you check the dress code beforehand. You should also try to arrive on time and even perfect your handshake to ensure that you can present yourself in the best and most confident light possible. You should also check all of the details of the job with your manager beforehand to make sure that nothing is a surprise to you.
· Productivity
As a new employee, it is important that you are as productive as possible and that you can meet deadlines and stay organized. To help you to do this, there is a lot of technology out there, whether this is has been designed for those working within your industry or simply for anyone with a high-pressure job. Then, by downloading some of these time management and productivity apps, you will be able to do your job better and impress your boss within the first few weeks of your employment, even if productivity and organization are not at the top of your skillset.
· Career Progression
Although you might believe that you do not need to think about career progression for the moment that you set foot within the doors of your new office, this is not the case. Instead, you must already have created a career plan that includes your desire for progression in advance. This will then ensure that you can constantly work toward your goals from the moment that you walk through the doors and that you will be able to choose a career that can allow you to move toward your final aims, rather than a job that will hold you back from the career that you want to have. You might even be able to discuss your career goals with your manager in a one-to-one before you take the job, and they will be able to let you know what your future in the company could be if you can work well within your role and with other members of the team and if you fit in within the company’s mission.
· Your Training and Qualifications
As soon as you get into the workplace, it can be difficult to remember why exactly you got the job in the first place, and you may struggle to apply all that you have previously learned to a practical environment. Then, you should make sure that you continue to refer back to your training and that you use all of what you have learned, even if this is simply a soft or transferable skill. By doing this, you will be ensuring that you can succeed in the job role in question and that the training that you performed was worth it. Not only this, but your employer likely employed you due to this experience and knowledge, and so it is vital that you can put it into practice and recall it in different work situations.
· Your Responsibilities
It is important that you know your responsibilities when you start a new job, and how they are separate or overlap with your colleague’s roles. This will ensure that you can get to know your place within the company, that you are respected and are able to complete all of your duties to a high standard, and that you can delegate while acknowledging the boundaries of each person’s role. Knowing your responsibilities beforehand will also ensure that you are ready for the job or career in question. Starting a new job can be overwhelming, especially if you are taking on more responsibility or if you are changing your career path. However, this guide will allow you to ensure that it all goes smoothly and that your first weeks and months can be successful.