It is a sad statistic that in the United States, as many as 92-95% of school-age children suffer from issues with their emotional regulation. This is not surprising when it comes to development, as around the age of between 5 and 6, many children begin to form a more concrete understanding of themselves, and this …
Tips for Getting a Degree as a Parent
Studying as a parent is personally rewarding, but it can also be challenging. Juggling a degree with school runs, after-school activities, and other family commitments is difficult. However, you can find the right balance and be successful while keeping everyone happy. Below are some tips for getting a degree as a parent. Choose a flexible …
What to Think About When Starting a New Job
Whether you have decided to seek a promotion or whether you are taking on a role in a different industry completely, there are many factors that you need to consider when starting a new job to make sure that your work can fulfill you and that you have a great time working for the company …
Let Your Child Be Comfortable in an American International School
Relocation to a foreign country can often be a hardship for children. They have to say goodbye to their friends and playmates. They’re often without their belongings until the move has been complete. And once they arrive, they’re forced to live in a world where people speak a different language and eat different foods. But …
Advice for Following Your Dreams in Life
If you have a dream in life, then you should always pursue this. Many people have aspirations in life but never pursue them, which they often end up regretting. While you certainly need to be realistic and have a backup plan in place, you should find that even if you do not realize your dream, …
Celebrate Earth Day with These 6 Eco-Friendly Crafts for Kids
Earth Day is celebrated each year in April, and the date is coming up quick. The movement began in 1970, and, every year since, people spanning the globe have come together to help take care of the planet. While habits like recycling and minimizing consumption are important to practice year-round, the annual holiday is the …
Other career paths to consider before College
Studying for a business qualification is a popular option for people with ambition. Such qualifications provide an individual with the sort of credibility that is essential in planning a successful career path, while studying for them helps to build a solid toolkit of skills and knowledge that can be applied in a wide range of …
Everything You Need To Know About Private Tutoring
Most students need help with their academic workload from time to time. Some get the help they need from teachers, siblings, parents, or friends. Others get the help they need by hiring private tutors. Private tutors generally do a good job in helping their charges to understand the material, prepare for tests, and improve their …
The Best in 2014: Best 10 IT exam vendors and Top 10 USA University IT programs
With the evolving nature of technology, the demand and value of IT certified professional increases as well. As the labor statistics suggest the IT technology and is expected to develop 22 percent and creating 758,800 job positions by 2020. Earning an IT degree not just enhances the skills and knowledge area of individuals but also …
Mid-Winter Thoughts: A Continuum of Consciousness
Is Consciousness a Universal Aspect of Life? Many years ago, when I was harvesting peppers and tomatoes in my very first yard-garden soon after my husband got out of the navy, a friend and I got into a discussion about the then-current ‘fad’ of talking to plants (and playing them good music) on the assumption …