Vending machines are a familiar sight that have been around since the days of the Romans. They are extremely useful since they allow dispensing of goods without the need for human interaction. You can find vending machines, such as those maintained by Tri State Vending, in a variety of places like movie theaters, gyms, gas stations …
Food Production
The safest containers to store home-cooked foods
There are many options to select from when it comes to storing your home-cooked food, including tins, glass jars, metal tiffin boxes, silicone, wooden containers, and more. Although there are many options to choose from, you should make sure to choose something safe to keep the stored food fresh. Conventionally, food was mainly packed and …
Corporate Food & Human Backlash
The current collapse of the world financial system has revealed some structural problems in our national economy that have flourished over a period of decades as corporate interests bought politicians and lobbyists to craft legislation to remove legal roadblocks to mass theft and market manipulation. And despite some changes in the D.C. political landscape, our …
USDA Sued Over Salmonella
The US Department of Agriculture [USDA] is being sued by the Center for Science in the Public Interest [CSPI] in an attempt to force the agricultural watchdogs to treat antibiotic resistant strains of salmonella bacteria as adulterants that would prevent the sale of tainted meat to the public. The complaint is specific to four strains …
Bayer & Monsanto Killing Bees
The numbers are in, and they add up to devastating. Bee Informed Partnership this month released its preliminary report on honey bee colony losses in the US for 2013-2014. The partnership, along with the Apiary Inspectors of America [AIA] and the USDA have been surveying beekeepers for 8 years in an attempt to get a …
Proposed FDA Rule Angers Brewers and Farmers
American Craft Beer Week – May 12-18, 2014 Ah, good ol’ beer. There’s the cheap, light, basically glorified carbonated water with a slight kick, there’s the more expensive big name imports, and increasingly, there’s small to mid-sized ‘Craft Brewers’ who produce seasonal beers and everything from amber light to deep chocolate brown brews. Lots of …
Pruning Grapes and Fruit Trees
It’s into February now – the longest month of the year psychologically, so the shortest month numerically – and pruning the fruit trees and grape vines is the name of the game in my region. Even as we’re facing yet another nasty winter weather ‘event’, this one scheduled to dump a foot or two of …
Senate Passes Outrageous New Farm Bill
Yep. As of this writing, February 4, 2014, the U.S. Senate has passed a new Farm Bill that has gone way out of its way to exclude any real farmers as well as more than two million people who rely on food stamps to eat, and channels all the supposedly ‘saved’ money back to Big …
Cold Duck(s) …and other critters
More below freezing days and absolutely frigid nights on my homestead this week. I keep reminding myself that despite the title of “North” in my chosen home of North Carolina, we’re still ‘officially’ considered the south. But if February turns out to be colder than Alaska (which January has been this year), I’m going to …
Mid-Winter Thoughts: A Continuum of Consciousness
Is Consciousness a Universal Aspect of Life? Many years ago, when I was harvesting peppers and tomatoes in my very first yard-garden soon after my husband got out of the navy, a friend and I got into a discussion about the then-current ‘fad’ of talking to plants (and playing them good music) on the assumption …