Before using a county dock, you should understand the terms and conditions that are associated with them. Specifically, you must adhere to specific requirements for temporary anchoring and construction. You must also notify the Agency of planned out-of-water activities. To do so, you must submit a Notice of Sale and Release of Liabilities form. If …
What Is A Steel Erector?
You’re not alone if you’ve ever wondered what a steel erector does. This job requires excellent physical fitness, a strong sense of teamwork, and a head for heights. It’s also advantageous. Read on to learn more about this fascinating career path. You’ll find out if it’s the right job for you. Alternatively, you can start …
A Timber Business That Doesn’t Cut Down Trees
In my very rural neighborhood with lots of small-acreage homesteads that have been going for generations, there is a lumber mill. Belongs to a neighbor, mostly just a big-timber circular saw and carriage under a sturdy roof with no walls, stacked hardwood logs he and his several sometimes/part-time workers have salvaged from acreage nearby being …
Some Good News Projects
Tiny Houses for the Homeless Volunteers graduated into social/political activism via Occupy Madison [Wisconsin] have been working to deal with homelessness in their community. What they’ve come up with are tiny houses of 98 square feet. The Madison Common Council – city council – voted to amend the zoning code to allow the tiny houses, …