You’re not alone if you’ve ever wondered what a steel erector does. This job requires excellent physical fitness, a strong sense of teamwork, and a head for heights. It’s also advantageous. Read on to learn more about this fascinating career path. You’ll find out if it’s the right job for you. Alternatively, you can start a steel erector business of your own.
Work environment
A job as a steel erector can be a rewarding one if you have the right skills and attributes. Working outdoors in all types of weather, this occupation requires teamwork, physical fitness, and a head for heights. There are many different steel erectors, each of whom performs a slightly different job. A steel erector may work for a single company or as part of a larger team, collaborating with the team to develop a construction plan.
A steel erector earns an average of $50,163 per year. This salary is dependent on location, experience, and certifications. Apprentices usually make 50% of the standard pay rate of journeymen and master steel erectors. However, once they have sufficient experience, they can earn more than this average. A steel erector can make anywhere from $33,900 to $55,000 a year, depending on where they live. You can find out more at steel erectors Coeur d’Alene.
A steel erector is a person who erects structures made of steel, such as buildings and chimneys. While no formal academic qualifications are required to become a steel erector, people who have attended college and have a good head for heights are usually more attractive to employers. Other than a good head for heights, you should be physically fit, keen to learn, and a team player.
The duties of a structural erector are varied and can include erecting and dismantling steel structures. In addition, a structural erector may undertake other tasks such as installing guard rails and safety nets and planning engineering operations. Safety inspectors are also necessary for the steel construction industry as they are responsible for ensuring health and safety conditions in the workplace and public places. Finally, sheet metal trades are responsible for joining and marking sheet metal materials.
The Salary of a Steel Erector depends on experience, location, and overtime. In addition to being a highly-skilled professional, it also requires a certain level of safety awareness. The salary for this type of position is not as high as some other construction workers. However, there is room for advancement within the field, and job satisfaction is high. Here are some tips to make the most of your salary. A good starting point in this profession is previous site experience, either as an assistant to an experienced steel erector or as a foreman. Obtaining knowledge is vital in a construction industry job, so if you are studying at university, you may want to work as an assistant for a few years before making the transition. Furthermore, gaining work experience is very valuable for a potential employer, as this type of position often requires working at heights.
Opportunities for self-employment
If you are interested in steel erectors as a career, there are several ways to get into this field. You can work for a steelwork contractor or set up your own business. You can also travel and use additional resources. Those who choose this occupation often work on the construction site and may also perform their work offsite. For example, they may assist with constructing new buildings, rehabbing existing structures, or repairing old ones. Apprenticeships in steel erectors combine classroom learning with practical skills. You’ll learn the technical side of the industry and work alongside journeymen. As an apprentice, you’ll be guided by experienced steel erectors and work towards certification.